PAT stands for Portable Appliance Testing. It is a routine inspection conducted on electrical appliances and equipment to make sure they can be used safely in the workplace and any other public environment. PAT usually involves visual and electrical inspections.
It's a way of complying with the multiple health and safety legislations. A qualified engineer performs an a number of tests to ensure that equipment meets the required safety standard. The correct term for the whole process is In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment. This process applies to all types of equipment even if they are not portable.
Who's responsible for PAT? You as the employer or duty holder are responsible for ensuring that your Portable Appliance Testing has been conducted correctly and at the required intervals.
Why should I have my appliances tested? It's vital that electrical equipment is regularly inspected and maintained as failure to comply could result in serious injury or prosecution. Most electrical safety defects can be found by visual examination but some types of defect can only be found by testing. However, it is essential to understand that visual examination is an essential part of the process because some types of electrical safety defect can’t be detected by testing alone.
All appliances within a work place or a rented household should carry stickers or decals that show proof of current PAT testing. This helps to provide workers or tenants with a sense of reassurance and serves as proof of testing in the event of an inspection. While PAT testing is required of all companies that use electrical appliances, they may choose who conducts their tests.
Who should have PAT testing?
Where Equipment is used by employees - places of work, for example offices
Where the public may use the appliances - in places such as schools, hotels, shops etc.
Where appliances are supplied by the landlord - in rented properties.
A qualified electrician conducts a series of tests to insure the equipment meets the required safety standard.
The equipment undergoes the following tests:
– Visual Inspection –
Equipment is checked for any visible damage, cracked plugs or damaged cables.
– Continuity test –
Equipment is tested to ensure there is adequate earth protection
– Insulation test –
Equipment is tested to ensure there is adequate insulation.
– Earth Leakage –
Equipment is tested to ensure there is minimal earth leakage back to the earth terminal
Once your items have been tested, the information gets uploaded from the tester to the data base which will enable us to create the relevant documentation.
We will email, post (or both) to you a Pass/Fail Register for all your items that have undergone the relevant tests along with an Asset Register of everything that's been tested and a Certificate.
You will go in our diary for reminders when your PAT testing is due to be re tested , So you don't have to worry about forgetting when your compliance report is due for renewal.